Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chapter Six: A Time Remembered and Misplaced

Chapter Five or Chapter Seven

Chapter Six: A Time Remembered and Misplaced

“Camelot, knights, dragons… King Arthur? All of this is actually happening?”  Tom asked a he swallowed hard a final gulp of water. Staring down at a plate that once held a fairly generous amount of food that he has since quickly devoured. Across from him sits the beautiful and stoic Morgana Penn- dragon, whose account of the lands and of the world that Tom Jackman has just woken into has left him, of all people in some disbelief.

“As opposed to the alternatives you’ve offered up? You speak of missing memories, while also speak of worlds beyond any I have seen and boxes that are larger on the inside,” Morgana replied as she produced from her pocket a small digital wrist watch, though what it was exactly she knew not, only it was on his person when she discovered him. “I’m inclined to believe you. Not that it holds much weight for you now, if what you seek is held so deeply within the castle walls.” She added as she held up the digital device, studying it. “Intriguing little device – what is it exactly?”

“It’s called a watch; helps track the movement of time. Not that unlike a sundial or shadow clock – if you have such devices of your own.” Tom replied, honestly. If everything around him was actually happening and not some vivid dreamscape, he felt he was beyond the point of concern for histories sake, besides in his mind, not that the idea of time travel ever crossed it with serious thought, but when it had he always been more a fan of the idea that paradoxes would right themselves in the end – an idea his mind was fully embracing in order to keep from becoming over whelmed at this point.

“It’s unlike any shadow clock I have ever encountered – what keeps it progressing?” She asked, her guarded demeanor faltering in way of her curiosity.

“An alkaline battery – a tiny energy source of sorts, apparently a good one too,” Tom answered looking upon the screen as it flashed with each changing second. “I would have had another device on me – a small long box or rectangular shaped one, same sort of glowing screen – you didn't happen to come across it, did you? It would have been in my shirt pocket.” He asked as he looked over his shirt, it was basic button down, but stained with blood, unlikely his, and torn and tattered and his pocket a clear victim of the troubles that had fallen upon him.

“No, this was all I found upon you,” Morgana replied truthfully, Tom was worse for wear by the time she ran across him in the surrounding woods, unconscious and clearly  victim or victor of struggles.

Just then the watch’s digital face seemed to flicker and dance, the images becoming mixed and chaotic as if for a moment it was struggling against some force of magnetism. Before Morgana even has a chance to question the odd activity, Tom is already to his feet. “I need to be locked up; you need to lock me up now,”

“I have you entirely under control – you’re as good as locked up now,” Morgana answered as she too stood from her seat. His sudden shift in manner and call to urgency struck her as odd given the last hour she had spent conversing with him as he regained his strength from her hospitality.

Tom shook his head as he persisted to argue with her “Me yes, but not him. You need to lock me up, we need to lock him up before he gets here – which way back to the cells?” he asked, his tone growing more panicked.

“I don’t understand,” Morgana admitted her confusion as she started to lead him back through the corridors to a small row of rooms that she had originally retrieved him from.

“You soon will” Tom replied as he pushed his  way into one of the cells, shutting the door behind him “Lock it, lock it good and go  - go and stay away. And whatever you do don’t tell him anything. I don’t know what he knows; I think it’s only fair I keep him at the same disadvantage,” he reasoned as he took a step back, closing his eyes.

Morgana did as asked, locking the cell door behind him, but failed to walk away after all “Don’t mistake my hospitality for submission, I take orders from no one,” she insisted.

Tom, still standing in the dark cell with his eyes shut and his head down, took one last deep breath in and exhaled a final reply “These aren't orders, Morgana, just suggestion.” And with that he exhaled a final breath which was followed by a long pause. Morgana looked on, confused by what she was, or was not seeing. No shift in the air, no sound, no interruption in the silence that surrounded them. It was dark, very dark and she couldn't really see much of the figured that stood captive before her, but somehow – perhaps a trick of her eyes, but the shadowy outline appeared to change, to shift ever so slightly in length. It surely must be a trick, Morgana thought to herself as she turned to pull an unlit torch from a nearby, with a small whisper she brought the cold dead torch into fiery new life. Returning back to the cell, she held up the torch to illuminate the figure that stood only a few feet away only to reveal what appeared to be more tricks. There stood Tom Jackman as he placed himself just shy of the gated bars, but something was different, several things appeared different.  He, in fact was taller, his hair darker and his hair line reached further forward than before, his chin bore a cleft that wasn't there before. He even appeared leaner, his clothing still torn, no longer fit as they previously had before. Finally, he lifts his head to the new light and opens his eyes. The eyes he reveals now only cement the reality of the other changes – dark, cold and black as the night sky, entirely unlike the pale greens ones that had clearly been replaced. Morgana’s demeanor shifted once more, she was still clearly as confused as before, but now her guard was once more being raised. “He was telling the truth – you’re not him, are you?”

The new man stared coldly back at her as a wiry smile pulled at his lips and spread to a full baring grin, not entirely unlike that of a hyena who had just stumbled across some prey “You’re a fast one,” he began as the smile slipped from his face “but I promise you, I’m faster…” he added and with that he moved quickly towards her, not like a flash but rather a shadow that seemed to extend, he stood pushed against the bars, reaching out and taking hold of her arm with a tight grip, his nails like claws digging into her forearm, her guard over turned and found wanting. “so much faster!”

Morgana didn't jerk away, she could feel her blood as it pooled around his grip. She simply smiled, confident as ever, a smile that rivaled his own “I don’t know who or what you are, but this is Camelot and in Camelot speed is not a contending strength.” She replied, as she did so her pale green eyes flared into a copper fire and force unseen sent her assailant back against the stone wall on the opposite side of his cell. Now freed she turned to leave, but paused when his reply returned in laughter.

“The name’s Hyde and this was just the appetizer – the entree will be the real show stopper” He said aloud, as he continued to laugh, sitting alone in the cell with his back to the stone wall, the bars in front of him and the sight of torchlight disappearing as Morgana made her exit. Once he was alone in the darkness with only some small moonlight to share the space he looked down at his hand now smeared with Morgana’s blood, in his same palm he held a key that he had ripped from her wrist as he was pushed or moved back – of course she hadn’t felt him remove it from the safety of her wrist through the pain of the flesh he had wounded. “Camelot, huh? Oh Daddy, how did we ever manage that?” he asked himself aloud as he pushed himself on to his feet once more. Moving quickly and quietly, he unlocked his cell and secured his freedom, leaving Morgana unaware and injured, but relatively unharmed.  After all he felt full, and Camelot awaited and Camelot sounded like fun.

Another night passes over Camelot and the sky is only just beginning to be reclaimed by the sun as Merlin finds himself busy packing weapons and tools, preparing for what could prove the be a very interesting day. The others are up alongside him, finishing up a very early impromptu breakfast. “I spoke with Gwaine last night; he said he would meet us by the creek side for some training. Tonight there will be a feast at sunset that ushers in the tournament that will begin tomorrow at dawn. So that gives us all day to train the basics,” Merlin started explaining as he assigned packs to Dean, Sam and Castiel. “Now you three will be expected at the feast, now that you are honored guests. Sherlock as your herald will need to announce you at both the feast and at each event that you place in.” He added, glancing from the three new knights, over to Sherlock “aside from these times, you are free to move about, but fail to meet these responsibilities and you will arouse suspicions.”

Sherlock nodded signaling he understood the severity that Merlin was pressing upon “Of course should complications arise in my absence, I’m quite certain the Winchesters and their angelic companion can manage.”

“Of course we can” Dean replied with a smirk.

“But they won’t have to, will they, Sherlock?” the Doctor asked, cutting in.

“I wouldn't even bother, Doctor, getting any kind of a definitive promise on timing with him is like pulling teeth, and a lot less satisfying.” John commented with a sigh. “As for me” John began, not that anyone had inquired or opened the floor for the concern “Gaius has things pretty well taken care of, so I can be of use somewhere.”

“The Doctor and I are off to search the citadel and the surrounding village, you services will likely be best served with Merlin and the others should training go poorly, or exceptionally for that matter.” Sherlock suggested, pawning John off on the Winchesters “I believe it would be in everyone’s best interest if the group stand portioned in lieu of contemporary division.”

“Yeah, right – good point I suppose” John replied as he took up one of the packs Merlin had prepared
“Wait, what did he just say?” Dean asked looking from John to Sherlock and back again.

“Hard to say, but I think the point he was making in short is actually in long; that he doesn't trust the Doctor, the Doctor doesn't trust Castiel, you three don’t really seem to trust anyone and not one of us really trusts another to be alone entirely and not expose us, so certainty in numbers.” John explained to the best of his abilities.

“Well if that’s the case then shouldn't one of us” Sam began, referring to himself, Dean and Castiel as us “go along with Doc and Sherlock?”

“Probably, but each of you need to train and prepare. That and whoever went would only get in the way,” John replied sighing.

“Well that sounds mildly ominous” Sam replied, his own curiosity clearly peaked.

John nodded with a small smile “You think that’s bad you should meet his brother, his family has just about cornered the market of hidden agenda.” 

At that moment everyone looked over towards Sherlock who just sat there smiling as if agreeing with John’s assessment.

Merlin stood up, moving to open the door for the others “Sunset will be upon us in no time, we should hurry, a   year’s worth of work ahead and hours to do it in.” He announced calling the attention of Dean, Sam, Castiel and John who followed suit.

After the first group consisting of the Winchesters, Castiel, Merlin and John, had departed, Sherlock stood up, draping the long and wide blue scarf about his shoulders, glancing over to the Doctor who was already in his clever poncho disguise, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes over the prospects that awaited the pair they made. “We should get a move on as well. It’s been my experience that mysteries rarely solve themselves.”

“Oh yes! I can’t wait to take to the streets with you, – The Great Sherlock Holmes! World’s only consulting detective, out there solving a mystery, detecting what can be detected, consulting what can be consulted upon” the Doctor began as he took the lead towards the door. “In other words, fun” he added as he glanced back over his shoulder towards Sherlock, baring a smile that wasn't that much unlike a child who had been presented with a shiny bike left behind by Father Christmas, an unplanned and unexpected new world had just presented itself before him.

Sherlock did follow, but not with the same enthusiasm and certainly minus the joyful smile. He did however bare a smirk of his own, he may not demonstrate the said same enthusiasm - but he, without voicing his agreement, agreed still –in other words, fun indeed, he thought as he followed a different sort of Doctor into a new day.

The day moves on and hours pass by, not that anyone really bothers to mind the time – too much to be done and the only way to accomplish any of it is to simply press on, which is exactly what a small group of six men do as they work to prepare for the challenges that lay before them. Worn out and paused for a moment along the side of small creek, Merlin passes around a canteen to quench thirsts all around. “Well it is safe to say that jousting is really the place for Sam. He’s tall and quite broad and there for a larger target, but his weight and arm strength would seem a great advantage.”

“You certainly had the best form on the horse.” Gwaine added in agreement.

“Well Sammy always did have a way with animals.” Dean snickered.

“And you of course are quite skilled with the bow; clearly have an eye for the target.” Merlin pressed on, this time addressing Dean.

Dean smiled “Well, what can I say, when I want something not much gets in the way of me getting it.” Dean replied, a bit full of himself.

“Really? I just figured the skill was honed from all those years playing second fiddle to Dad, picking off the strays.” Sam remarked teasingly.

“Bitch” Dean replied.

“Jerk” Sam echoed back, as a smirk was shared between the two of them.

A moment shared between brothers, which left John, Merlin and Gwaine a bit confused. “As best I can tell referring to each other as either a female canine or a quick, sharp, sudden movement are sort of terms of endearment between the two of them.” Castiel explained, unprompted and aloud.

Merlin and Gwaine responded to Castiel’s assessment with nods, meanwhile John rubbed his eyes for a moment followed by a sigh that was a resounding sound of frustrations and patience and boredom waging war with each other, finally patience stands as the victor as he clears his throat bringing himself back to the group attention “Right, so that’s the Archery and Jousting in the bag – that just leaves melee, right?”

“Yes, I think so  - I mean there are some other games, but these three are the main spectacles.” Merlin replied as he started to unpack the swords, presenting one to each of the three competitors as Gwaine drew his from the sheath that he wore upon his belt. Gwaine was clearly ready, he presented a small series of fluid movements, allowing the metallic blade to glisten in the light, displaying his natural skills with the weapon, it was more of an extension of his own self then a simple tool which is how similar objects presented in the grip of both Sam and Dean who also took a few measures from the air getting said grip into place, meanwhile Castiel didn't put forth any flash or flare, simply gripping the weapon in his hand as he steadied his eyes upon Gwaine.

“We might want to step back a bit.” Merlin instructed to John as he picked up the pace to place himself along with John a few yards out of the way.

“Right so, how do you guys want to do this? Team up or each just take turns with Sir Expert here or?” Dean asked referring to Gwaine as the clear stand out.

“I just figured the fastest way to narrow things down would be to just jump right in…” Gwaine began and as quickly as the words left his lips he lunges forward towards Sam swinging across from his elbow. The sword moves smoothly in its intended direction, Sam reacting as best he could manage presents his blade in time to block the oncoming attack, for a moment their eyes connect and Gwaine smirks “Good – rule number one, those who can’t be moved to attack should still be ready to block.” He instructed, as Sam pulled up from the block and pushed outward, causing Gwaine to step back, but still Gwaine continued to lay strike upon strike, each met by Sam, block for block. Finally when Sam had cleared a bit of room between them, he moved from defensive to offensive, narrowing his base and lunging towards Gwaine with a straight thrust, which Gwaine met with smooth agility, stepping aside and out of the way of the sword, but grabbing Sam’s wrist as it moved past him, and with a further push sent Sam’s momentum into a turn, stumbling off the side line. Still before Gwaine could take a moment to boast in remark, Dean came in with a swooping attack from over his shoulder. Of course in true form Gwaine moves to block, falling back onto one knee to absorb the shock of the formidable blow. As Dean bore down hard, Gwaine pushed back and onto both feet once more, still Dean presence held. Moving a step back, blades still matched, Gwaine allowed him enough room to maneuver his blade to bring the two opposing objects into a more paralleled state, allowing him with a sudden twist and thrust of his directing wrist to free Dean of his weapon tossing it into the air, allowing him to take hold of the weapon, and leaving Dean hapless and unarmed. “Rule number two, or rather this should be first and foremost; never let go of your weapon.”

“Sam” Castiel said aloud, extending his open and free hand out towards Sam who had finally started to catch his breath. No further instruction was needed, as Sam followed the lead, tossing his own sword off to Castiel who plucked it from the air with ease, stepping form a ready stance, to one that was clearly on guard.

Gwaine turned to face Casitel, his own stance more relaxed “That, my friend, is not advisable – rule number three; in sword fighting, two swords are rarely better than one. As an added warning; I am not the man you want to go blade to blade with when dual blades are involved.”

“As an Angel of the Lord, I feel I should be able to manage.”  Castiel replied. And so it started as Gwaine moved in forward, one sword in full thrust and the other already falls into a swing motion; both movements not only met, stopped and blocked by Castiel's fluid movements, but also countered allowing him to become the advancer in the fight. Strike after strike, one echoing clang after the other and all the while Castiel was forcing Gwaine step after step back, but with each strike, Gwaine blocked and when he could he swung over or swooped under, bring his blades in for strikes of his own keeping the fight from the direct center, driving it further and further away from a structured and controllable form, which was clearly what his opponent Castiel was far more accustomed to. A step here, a twist there and each opponent traded places and licks, leaving the others to only stand and watch in amazement. The seconds felt like minutes and the minutes like hours, but neither faltered or lost form, though clearly the exhaustion was getting to Gwaine as his breaths grew shallow and quick, yet Castiel showed no sign of exhaustion, no sign of tiring and no sign of slowing down. Eventually Gwaine's stance slipped and Castiel took advantage of his uneven base and swung in, knocking one sword from Gwaine’s grip as he bore down upon Gwaine’s other armed hand, forcing him down and pining him to the ground. Castiel, now certain his point and position was made clear eased up and stood back, allowing Gwaine to catch his breath as he regained his standing, looking over to Merlin with a  wide smile “I think we have just found our melee champion!” Gwaine shouted aloud to his friend. “Where did you learn to fight like that?” Gwaine asked, still regaining steady breath, looking to Castiel.

“The armies on high – you did show great strength for a human, but like most humans your stamina will fail even the greatest of men.” Castiel replied.

John, still standing aside with Merlin, stood silent in a moment of unease and awe of what had just played out before him, when finally he turned to Merlin “I think I’ll go check on Sherlock and the Doctor…” He 
announced as a sort of departure as he turned to head back towards the walls of the citadel once more.
Around this time, a very frustrated Sherlock Holmes finds himself pacing along a small stretch of wall that plays its small part in securing the population and structures within. The same small stretch of wall that has been smeared with blood in different places, the patterns erratic, but shapes alike to hand prints can be clearly seen even if the smearing is too great to define any prints. Meanwhile his new and temporary companion stands examining the smears closer with a strange tool he continually refers to a sonic screwdriver. “Well it is definantly a human.” The Doctor finally said aloud.

“I felt that was fairly obvious, given the height, placement and of course the hands prints themselves – clearly suggesting that the vandalization  – if we can call it that, was clearly committed by a human.” Sherlock replied sarcastically.

The Doctor, paying Sherlock no real mind continued his examination “No, I meant the blood – it’s human” he began to explain “But I am getting more than one blood type…” he paused checking over his sonic screwdriver curiously.

“Well at least five men nearly died at the hands of this monster, maybe others, less notable victims have encountered similar fates.” Sherlock suggested as he leaned against a place along the wall that was evidence free.

The Doctor shook his head “You and John already determined this monster was likely human, and I don’t think you were wrong. The prominent blood type is O…”

“Not uncommon in any century – I would imagine, roughly 37% of the Caucasian population is O positive, and we are in the early beating heart of England herself – at least I think we’re in England still.” Sherlock remarked, looking around as he did so, kicking around a few layers of dirt with his shoes “Evidence, evidence everywhere but not a single optical microscope to examine it with” he mumbled to himself followed by a sigh.

The Doctor glances back and forth a bit between the wall, Sherlock and his screwdriver, a bit unsure about which problem should call his attention first. Still despite confusion and growing tension, he continues “Yes, but O negative, is far less prominent in any century – well in earth’s history at least.”

Sherlock nodded agreeing “So, tell me Doctor, which is it?”

“O Positive and O Negative exclusively, with the latter being the most prominent.” The Doctor replies, as he slips his screwdriver back into his coat pocket “The smearing is even, the points where the types combine – there is no unusual activity even on the sonic level. I’d swear it’s all the same, but my screwdriver is fairly accurate.”

“Well clearly its separate people, maybe a pair working together, or attacker and victim – I mean an rh factor can’t simply come and go as it pleases. The circumstances surrounding its application may have just hindered its preservation, left to the elements and all.” Sherlock attempted to reason, though even the attempt was an effort of struggle.

“You've seemed rather distracted over these last few hours – is there something you’re keeping from the rest of the class?” The Doctor asked as he took to leaning alongside Sherlock, crossing his arms as he did so.

“We've been searching this place for hours, talking with people, collecting bits and shreds of what may or may not be evidence – I’m at a great disadvantage without my tools. It’s just been a very illuminating experience; I’m accustomed to my time – to the monsters of my modern world. Very little of what I can observe here can be correlated with my experience and reasoning. My hands are to a measure of extent, tied” Sherlock replied with a heavy sigh “And not an ounce of tobacco for what is likely 5,000 or more kilometers”

“I would imagine not.” The Doctor replied in an almost empathetic tone “We all have our vices – mine’s fish fingers and custard and I don’t want to think how much time separates me from that familiar taste. I might have some jelly babies tucked away in the TARDIS somewhere, but not much use right now” the Doctor’s words and thoughts began to stray, but as always he quickly returned to focus “Of course your hands are tied, mine are always tied, curse of time travel! But humanity never changes, and I can’t think of a greater expert on that subject the great Sherlock Holmes.”

“I’m sure there is something quite comforting in that that I am simply not detecting” Sherlock joked, a joke that did produce a chuckle between the two. “That does bring up another distraction, I don’t normally ponder upon time travel too much, the idea seemed a bit unlikely to me, but now that I am here, standing in a very young and very ancient world of Camelot, I’m finally starting to give it some thought. All this we are doing, I mean even though we have been mostly restricted to the tools of the era, the knowledge we are using, John’s especially with saving the lives of those men, the conversations we are having, only heaven knows what the Winchesters are introducing – what sort of effect will all this have on history or more specifically our futures?”

The Doctor shrugged “To be honest with you, I rarely ever pay it much mind. I mean there are these points in time, these fixed points where we have to step carefully and not interact or at least restrict ourselves, but in the end – most of the time all comes out well in the wash, usually for the better.”

“And Arthur and his knights, Merlin and all this, this wouldn't fall into that fixed category?” Sherlock asked curiously, which was finally, more like him.

“No, I don’t think it is. I mean we’re standing in a time of myth and legend; I can’t imagine anything we do here will have too great an effect on the world to come after. Normally I would be very weary and tell you to tread carefully – wary of butterfly wings as an old friend would put it. Not here though. Let’s not overdo it and have ourselves hanged or beheaded, of course, but no, we find ourselves in one of the rarest of opportunities. We have landed in a time that will never be forgotten, but also one that history has misplaced” the Doctor explained as a smile finally took his face “This might actually be a first for me – haven’t had one of those in a while.”

“What haven’t you had in a while?” a voice said aloud, interrupting the pair. It was John walking up, taking a step back as the bloody mess along the wall came into view. “Well that is disturbing, but then again that has pretty much been the overall theme of this misadventure, hasn't it?” he asked as he reasoned himself into more ideal reaction tone. 

“Well whoever this is, they are certainly no Moriarty. I never imagined I would so miss the sophistication that comes with the more modern criminals that we are more accustomed to perusing.”  Sherlock replied honestly, but with an air of sarcasm for face.

“Right – agreed” John replied as he tried to examine the blood closer. “So what do we think we have here?”

“Hard to say, I mean we know its human and it's two types, maybe a sign of a struggle or a marker for where another victim was born or – I really don’t know.” The Doctor replied honestly.

“Everything else we have found will require closer observation – which we may or may not be capable of achieving with our limited resources.” Sherlock added.

“Understandably…” John replied as he knelt down, using a pen to push around some of the soil “And I assume this too is blood from the same incident.”

“We think so, yes” Sherlock replied. All of a sudden a glimmer of light reflected out catching Sherlock’s eyes, it wasn't sourced from John’s metallic pen directly, but rather a secondary reflection being picked up  by the pen’s metallic surface initially. “What’s that? Where is that reflection coming from?” He asked as he hurried to join John at the site.

“I’m not sure. It’s something metal sort of buried or smashed into the softer soil here.” John replied as he used his pen to further uncover the source, the object was small, about half the size of a mobile telephone, chrome metallic plating and rectangular in design. John used a handkerchief from his pocket to pick the object up, holding it out for the Sherlock and the Doctor to examine. “Some sort of recording device.” John added as he handed the device to the Doctor, who in turn brought out his trusty sonic screwdriver once more, and almost like magic, with just a quick flick of his wrist a few notes buzzed aloud. The screen on the device lit up and the menu displayed, listing entry after entry only marked by the date and time they were cataloged away. A bit of navigation reveals the most recent recordings, and without a further moment of hesitations, the three curious minds almost telepathically decided on play, unsure of what exactly they would hear.

“I’m not sure where I am, but I suppose that’s fair, I wasn't really sure where I was last time I was hit with an unscheduled change… speaking of, note to both of us, we need to reestablish a schedule. Anyways this place, it’s different, there’s a control center of sorts, railing and walk ways. Everything seems to lead elsewhere – not like any place we've ended up in before. No guards, no cages, no lab coats. There is a door that’s different from the others, but I can’t get it open. I think I’m trapped – what have you gotten me into this time?”  The voice was Irish and the words and dialogue more accustomed to the world John and Sherlock left behind.

“Must be talking about the TARDIS” the Doctor commented softly as they moved on to the next message.

“Right – I know you’re still waiting on an explanation, but I gotta tell ya, Daddy, as soon as there is one, you’ll be the first to know – What I do know, however, is we aren't getting any sleep, we are tired, covered in blood and most recently, been shot in the thigh with an arrow, one I don’t think I can remove without killing us both, and I don’t want to die daddy and I know you don’t either, so good luck.” This voice was also a native Irish tongue, the slang and energy behind it was different, the tone as well, but there was something unnervingly similar between the two.

John and the Doctor both simultaneously look over to Sherlock who seemed the least disturbed by the discovery, but also the most attentive, finally John spoke up “Any ideas?”

“Yes, several – I think – but the sun’s beginning to set, and I don’t want to blow our cover just as things are getting really interesting. Back to the castle.” Sherlock replied as he turned away, leading the way back towards the fortress’ heart, Arthur’s castle, John and the Doctor moving to try and keep up behind him, while tucking away the device beneath the Doctor’s poncho. Of all the evidence that they had gathered that day, this was clearly the gem of the hunt thus far. Albeit the strangest discovery any of them could have imagined happening across.


Fan Art By: Lyndsey Gerlach Summer 2013
"Sherlock" and "John"

Chapter Seven is in the works and will be here soon - maybe not 2 weeks soon, but not 4 months soon either! Thank you once more to my loyal readers - I truly hope these ext few chapters will bring about the conclusion that is worthy of your time and patience! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Apologies and Sneak Peeks

To my brilliant and very much appreciated readers – lend me your ears… or eyes,
       April has been an extremely crazy month for me and my collaborators – and for those of you I don’t actually know by either name or screen name, I want to extend my sincerest apologies for the delay in blog and chapter updates. It pains me to report that I do not have a brand new chapter 6 to post at this time. Directly following this message you will find a “sneak peek” to the exciting and upcoming chapter 6  along with a tid bit of art work that will accompany the final chapter 6 post, which I hope will be out before the end of May. The new chapter is outlined and as you will *fingers crossed* read, it has a start. I just have not been able to invest the proper time and concentration into the new chapter that it demands and I hope, deserves. I can say at this time it is looking to be a lengthy chapter, so I hope that, in addition to its continuity will make it worth the wait. As for the “sneak peek” it is unedited. My collaborators include a very good editor, and another very insightful test reader – neither of which this blog could exist without – but alas neither can be expected to edit blank pages, so until the final product is done, bear with me typos and all. Some of my very early readers may well remember this is pretty much how it all began – poor typing, grammar, spelling and all.

Anyways, once more from the top; Thank You all for your continued visitation and interest and above all at these times – your patience.  Now without further ado or hesitation;

Chapter Six: A Time Remembered and Misplaced

“Camelot, knights, dragons… King Arthur? All of this is actually happening?”  Tom asked a he swallowed hard a final gulp of water. Staring down at a plate that once held a fairly generous amount of food that he has since quickly devoured. Across from him sits the beautiful and stoic Morgana Penn- dragon, whose account of the lands and of the world that Tom Jackman has just woken into has left him, of all people in some disbelief.

“As opposed to the alternatives you've offered up? You speak of missing memories, while also speak of worlds beyond any I have seen and boxes that as larger on the inside,” Morgana replied as she produced from her pocket a small digital wrist watch, though what it was exactly she knew not, only it was on his person when she discovered him. “I’m inclined to believe you. Not that it holds much weight for you now, if what you seek is held so deeply within the castle walls.” She added as she held up the digital device, studying it. “Intriguing little device – what is it exactly?”

“It’s called a watch; helps track the movement of time. Not that unlike a sundial or shadow clock – if you have such devices of your own.” Tom replied, honestly. If everything around him was actually happening and not some vivid dreamscape, he felt he was beyond the point of concern for histories sake, besides in his mind, not that the idea of time travel ever crossed it with serious thought, but when it had he always been more a fan of the idea that paradoxes would right themselves in the end – an idea his mind was fully embracing in order to keep from becoming over whelmed at this point.

“It’s unlike any shadow clock I have ever encountered – what keeps it progressing?” She asked, her guarded demeanor faltering in way of her curiosity.

“An alkaline battery – a tiny energy source of sorts, apparently a good one too,” Tom answered looking upon the screen as it flashed with each changing second. “I would have had another device on me – a small long box or rectangular shaped on, same sort of glowing screen – you didn't happen to come across it, did you? It would have been in my shirt pocket.” He asked as he looked over his shirt, it was basic button down, but stained with blood, unlikely his, and torn and tattered and his pocket a clear victim of the troubles that had fallen upon him.

“No this was all I found upon you,” Morgana replied truthfully, Tom was worse for wear by the time she ran across him in the surrounding woods, unconscious and clearly  victim or victor of struggles.

Just then the watch’s digital face seemed to flicker and dance, the images becoming mixed and chaotic as if for a moment it was struggling against some force of magnetism. Before Morgana even has a chance to question the odd activity, Tom is already to his feet. “I need to be locked up; you need to lock me up now,”

“I have you entirely under control – you’re as good as locked up now,” Morgana answered as she too stood from her seat. His sudden shift in manner and call to urgency struck her as odd given the last hour she had spent conversing with him as he regained his strength from her hospitality.

Tom shook his head as he persisted to argue with her “Me yes, but not him. You need to lock me up, we need to lock him up before he gets here – which way back to the cells?” he asked, his tone growing more panicked.

“I don’t understand,” Morgana admitted her confusion as she started to lead him back through the corridors to a small row of rooms that she had originally retrieved him from.

“You soon will” Tom replied as he pushed his  way into one of the cells, shutting the door behind him “Lock it, lock it good and go  - go and stay away. And whatever you do don’t tell him anything. I don’t know what he knows; I think it’s only fair I keep him at the same disadvantage,” he reasoned as he took a step back, closing his eyes.

Morgana did as asked, locking the cell door behind him, but failed to walk away after all “Don’t mistake my hospitality for submission, I take orders from no one,” she insisted.

Tom, still standing in the dark cell with his eyes shut and his head down, took one last deep breath in and exhaled a finally reply “These aren't orders, Morgana, just suggestion.” And with that he exhaled a final breath which was followed by a long pause. Morgana looked on, confused by what she was, or was not seeing. No shift in the air, no sound, no interruption in the silence that surrounded them. It was dark, very dark and she couldn't really see much of the figured that stood captive before her, but somehow – perhaps a trick of her eyes, but the shadowy outline appeared to change, to shift ever so slightly in length. It surely must be a trick, Morgana thought to herself as she turned to pull an unlit torch from a nearby. With small whisper she brought the cold dead torch into fiery new life. Returning back to the cell, holding up the torch to illuminate the figure that stood only a few feet away only to reveal what appeared to be more tricks. There stood Tom Jackman as he placed himself just shy of the gated bars, but something was different, several things appeared different.  He, in fact was taller, his hair darker and his hair line reached further forward than before, his chin bore a cleft that wasn't there before. He even appeared leaner, his clothing still torn, no longer fit as they previously had before. Finally, he lifts his head to the new light and opens his eyes. The eyes he reveals now only cement the reality of the other changes – dark, cold and black as the night sky, entirely unlike the pale greens ones that had clearly been replaced. 

Morgana’s demeanor shifted once more, she was still clearly as confused as before, but now her guard was once more being raised. “He was telling the truth – you’re not him, are you?”

The new man stared coldly back at her as a wiry smile pulled at his lips and spread to a full baring grin, not entirely unlike that of a hyena who had just stumbled across some prey “You’re a fast one.”  

Fan Art By: Lyndsey Gerlach 4/2012
(and yes that means Sherlock will be presented with the completed chapter 6) 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Chapter Five: Three New Mad Men, Three New Knights and One New Physician for Camelot a.k.a SEGUE

Chapter Five:  
Three New Mad Men, Three New Knights and One New Physician for Camelot

Somewhere outside the main walls of Camelot an entirely different sort of stranger wakes to find himself in an entirely different sort of space. His eyes slowly and with some difficulty begin to open with only darkness there to greet them. The sound of water dripping can be heard along the echo, with no revelation to its source. He is disoriented, seemingly alone. Judging by his hands that feel to be strung up over his head and his feet unable to rest steady on the floor beneath them, he quickly concludes he is captive as well.  He moves his tongue and jaw to speak, but is halted by the pain of tissues and muscles swollen from some unfavorable encounter now left rendered a mystery to even him. The roof of his mouth tastes of old blood; clearly he had encountered his fill of that which was not his own, not too  unlike awakening to a wine induced hangover,  from a night of over embellished celebration. As strange as these feelings are, alone or in combination – none are anything he could claim was unfamiliar to him. He takes a deep breath and prepares to push through the pain, “Hello – is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?”

Not long after his question is asked, he receives an answer as a soft, small light enters the space. Almost out of nowhere she steps forward. A woman dressed in black from head to toe, her skin – what little that is illuminated by her lamp’s light, is as cold and pale as winter’s snow. Her features are sharp and her eyes a piercing pale green. Her hair black as a raven’s feather, falls in ringlets around her face. As young as she appears, her presence – in the way she holds herself, in the person she allows others to see removes any misgivings of someone burden with naivety. “All I seem to hear these last three nights is you.”

It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust the new light, taking in the view that stood before him, he coughs to clear his throat, allowing his wit to follow with reply “Well, I’m sure if you explain – I will apologize. What exactly have you heard?” he offered and asked.

She hesitates for a moment, and her hesitation reveals a wrinkle in her otherwise stoic exterior “Sometimes you are moaning, sometimes screaming.”

He sighs as best he can, looking up at his hands bound above his head “Can’t begin to imagine why…” he begins to reply, but is quickly cut off.

“Buts other times you are laughing, other times still I here singing – though I don’t recognize any of it,” she interrupted.

“Yeah probably Disney,” he began, looking back to her, “I would really like to get to that apology I mentioned before, but is there any way we can continue this with a few less restraints – I can assure you this is no longer necessary,”

The woman smiled briefly “You have killed servants of my enemy, in my mind this would make us natural friends, though not trusted ones.”

The man paused when her words echoed around him, clearly the news left him troubled “We killed someone?”

“There’s more than one of you?” she asked curiously.

“Of sorts, at times, yes,” he replied “Now, I know I am weak now, but I’m not always – I think you might already know that,” he began looking between her and the restraints that held him “I’m not one to boast, believe me, but I know those times when I’m not, those are times where bindings like these couldn't hold me, not for 3 days at least. So maybe I’m drugged, maybe I’m injured – don’t know yet, but I know you do. So release me, I’m sure whatever it is- it will protect you”

She hesitates again, looking over the figure strung up before her, dangling from his bindings. She knew he was right, more was holding him there than just some rope, but still, she paused unsure of her next move. He confused her, not that she showed it. He didn't even appear to her now as he had before. His eyes were softer than before, his hair thinner than that of the man she first found lost in the woods outside Camelot’s gates just a few nights past. He even appeared smaller in stature than when she first restrained him, she was certain his feet rested even upon the floor then and now – now here swayed an impossible man. Finally she produces a dagger from her belt, slicing through the rope, sending the man free and hard down upon the stone floor. “I can return you there just as swiftly,”

The man, shaking, gathered his strength and pushed himself to his feet, leaning on what felt to be a wall for support “I’m counting on it. Does my warden have a name?”

“Morgana,” she replied honestly, “And my captive?”

“Tom Jackman – for now,” he replied – for the moment, honestly as well “Lead the way Morgana.”
She turned to lead him out of the darkness and into whatever awaited on just the other side.


Time passes and night returns to day as life begins to stir once more deep within the heart of Camelot’s fortress. A crowded chamber bustles with life and renewed energy as six weary travelers wake to good news. After yesterday’s continuous  efforts to care, repair and aid four  fallen knights back to good health, the brilliant physicians are greeted with a two weak and unexpected smiles. A greeting that thrilled the doctor John Watson beyond measure, and left their keeper Gaius, the court’s high physician grateful and stunned “All this from mold, vinegar and tea?” Gaius asked in a moment of disbelief.

  “And a little hope, a prayer and some luck I suppose” John replied, trying to remain humble, but even his grace was faltering to his pride.

“And no magic?” Gaius asked curiously, he had remained by John’s side from the start, assisting him as best he could, he had not seen any he had recognized, but he had also not witnessed much that was familiar to him in any of John’s methods.

“Nope, as far as I know at least. Science is really more my background,” John replied, still offering a humble front.

“All the better for you in Camelot for such a case – as I know Camelot is all the better for you,” Gaius remarked in turn “Well, John you truly are skilled beyond your years”

“Not really” John replied with a smirk, that humble exterior beginning to crack “just skilled beyond yours” he added as he regained his composure “These two should be on their proper feet in a day or two, though crutches may need to be assembled for them. The other two – I suspect may take another day or two just to come around, they’re more severely damaged, but they made it this far.” John finished as he turned away from Gaius and the recovering Knights to join the others who had for the most part gathered around a make shift table, his eyes immediately spy out a small bowl of what appears to be red berry preservatives. “Is that Jam?” he asked starting to gather a couple of nearby bread rolls.

“It is and it is good too, not as good as this pie though” Dean replied, speaking mostly through a mouth full of pie “Pie in King Arthur’s court,” he mused “this is really starting to be one of the best trippy time trips yet”

“Yet?” the Doctor chimed in, he was standing nearby digging through some clothes Merlin had dropped by at some point before the morning had really began “Do the three of you do this often?”

“Not very” Sam replied, as he slipped a white tunic over his head, followed by a belt around his hips “but when we do, it’s mostly Dean who goes.”

“Why’s that?” John asked, as he bit down into a freshly jammed roll.

“Hell if I know,” Dean replied swallowing hard.

“Well, we don’t have a blue box. If we go anywhere it’s usually by angel,” Sam answered “Angels seem to be more partial to Dean so to speak.”

“It’s cause I’m adorable,” Dean snickers.

“Your qualities of endearment have never been a factor in the decisions,” Castiel chimed in, for reasons only he felt needed to be pointed out. Finishing his own ensemble, as he adorned a long vest like garment made of embellished leather. It was long like a robe, almost resembling a sleeveless black leather trench coat.

“Well, that should really stop –  humans has no business wandering about through time, all the damage it can do, and trust me I know what I’m talking about, first hand experiences every last one of them,” the Doctor grumbled as he dug further into the pile. He was, of course, referring to many of his multiple human companions that he had traveled with over the years, each one sorely missed, of course the reference was lost on the rest of the group, but at the same time, it was something the rest of the group was growing quite used too. “None of this is right – no fezzes, no bow ties, no suspenders – in other words nothing cool. How can you expect me to work in something that isn't cool?” he asked in a somewhat rhetorical fashion.

“Well you can’t go in front of Arthur like that. He may be not be Uther, but he is his son – you won’t get very far walking in looking as you do now,” Gaius reminded.  

Still, no sooner did Gaius finish his warning does the Doctor shoot up from the pile of clothing and his searching with a trophy held up for all to see “A Poncho! I haven’t worn a poncho in centuries! Now ponchos are cool!” he exclaimed as he slipped it over his shoulders.

At that time Merlin entered the chamber once more, yawning as he did so “Right, so finished up with my morning chores, postponing my midday tasks with you as an excuse,” he announced, looking to Gaius as he took a seat around the makeshift food table and grabbing and apple from a center arrangement as he did so. 
“Has everyone eaten?”

“Everyone who is going to eat," John replied with a hint of annoyance.

“What do you mean everyone who is going to eat? This may be your last chance at a real meal for some time. I wouldn't advise missing it.” Merlin remarked looking at the others who were still assembling their outfits and finishing their meals, all save for Sherlock who still stood dressed in the same suit he had worn for two days’ time now. 
“I don’t normally eat during a case,” Sherlock muttered in return, for a change.

“You do not eat, you do not seem to sleep and when you speak it isn't much and when you do I can’t always understand what you’re saying. None of you are from anywhere around here – and all these hours that I have spent so busy helping you and serving my king, I have nothing more to show of who any of you are aside for your physician – whom by the grace of sciences beyond my understanding has begun to repair and heal these men,” Merlin trailed off between bites.

“What are you trying to say, exactly?” Sherlock asked.

“A few hours from now you will face the King. Now, I believe your intentions are true and you wish to help, and in return I want to help you, but I can’t help you if I don’t know you,” Merlin replied, his point resounding.

“Like a bond? Something in common we share?” Castiel asked, interrupting the words that had started to alienate Merlin and Sherlock both.

“Of sorts, yes,” Merlin replied, his eyes still pinned mostly on Sherlock.

“I’m afraid there isn’t much we can explain or even safely express to you, about who or what we are. And as much as it pains me to suggest this, perhaps an alternative; we all have secrets Emrys, perhaps this should be the basis of our bond for now,” Castiel suggested.

Merlin, who at times, to some - but not many, is known by the name Emrys, pauses for a moment, looking over to Gaius who was standing across the room where the Knights gathered their rest. His question was clear on his face, but Gaius had nothing but a shallow shrug to offer in return. Merlin then turned his glance to the faces in the room, of the six that surrounded him only the Doctor’s seemed to echo recognition. Finally, with a hard swallow he replied, “Right, well, I don’t know what any of you will say to Arthur, but my best advice is use the tournament to your advantage. Gwaine and I will see to it you get your moment and we’ll stand by you for your assistance,” he added as he looked to John, “for which I know Arthur will be grateful.”

“So, no matter what happens with you lot, I should stay in the clear,” John commented with a smirk, one that was intended for teasing, even if in truth it was well deserved.

“Well,” Merlin began as he stood up, taking another apple along with him as he does so, “Like all Kings, Arthur has an eye for distraction, he’ll always look left when given a reason too,” he remarked as he walked towards the door that led back into the halls “I’ll return for the rest of you soon” he informed before departing once more.

“Do you have one?” Sam asked, turning his attention to the Doctor.

The Doctor appeared confused at first, “One what?”

“A plan, Doc, do we have one?” Sam replied and asked once more.

“Of course, I always have a plan, but only in the since that I nearly always never do. I find plans to be these big difficult things - take up so much room and always get in the way. No room for flexibility. One slip and it’s just broken and left to collect dust,” the Doctor replied in a way that was as honest and confusing as he could possibly manage. “I mean I sort of had a plan for everything up till now and we ended up in Camelot, locked out of my TARDIS, facing a King whose bias attitude in regards to magic and mystery and things outside of the normal as captured in legend couldn't have been further from the reality we now face in his presence. Not a very good argument for a plan mentality in my opinion.”

“So, you think we should just walk in there without a plan?” John asked curiously.

“Yes and No, or No and Yes, or at the very least not exactly, I say we get dressed up, walk in there, stand like we belong there and speak when spoken too,” the Doctor replied in his most confident tones.

“That is a rubbish plan,” John replied rather bluntly.

The Doctor nodded in agreement “Yes, but it is however a brilliant outline, it’s a start. I’ll have something by the time we get there, just let me do all the talking – it’s usually the way these things tend to play out and almost never fails me.”

John and the others stood mostly paused, staring at the Doctor long after his words had finished, when finally Dean smiled in between bites of food “Honestly, we have worked with less and walked away just fine.”

“And should anything go wrong, I’m still in the clear.” John observed for a second time, the idea that he had already more than earned his keep sat well on him in light of the unexpected circumstances that he found himself in. At this time Sherlock, who had actually broken away from the conversation long enough to sort through what was left of the clothing, walked over to John, handing him a long red tunic.

“Just in case almost never should occur,” Sherlock suggested as he passed off the garment as he continued on moving away from the others to assemble his own outfitting.

A short while later, outside the heavy doors that served as the gates to Arthur’s throne room, Merlin found himself in unexpected relief, looking at the six strangers all lined up, preparing to be presented.  Each man had managed to somehow step into a different era by simply stepping into a different outfit each. Dean, Sam and Castiel pretty much fitted like classic knights in their off time, save for Dean’s vest and Castiel’s cloak, the three easily made a matching, scaling set. The Doctor,on the other hand, had for the most part refused to change, and opted to simply cover. Still the covering, when placed in alignment with the others, sufficed to shroud who he was, whoever he was. Then there was John, who did stand out a bit, dressed in a red tunic that clearly displayed Camelot’s seal and colors – the tunic it’s self was lengthy and would have fit Sam well, but on John it only left him drowned, but Sherlock insisted and Merlin has washed his hands over attempts to reasons why. And finally there was the man himself, Sherlock, even dressed in the style of the realm that was provided him, he still managed to stand out. His original purple shirt hidden away behind a leather vest piece that seemed to be assembled through a series of straps and brackets, and across his shoulders draped a long blue scarf not that much unlike Merlin’s own, though presented with a different grace. Merlin sighed heavily, just shaking his head; the look is only the start. “You are all good; I know this, what you have done for those men, Arthur’s men, has been unbelievable, truly. Now it’s time to change that, give him something he can believe and accept.” Merlin advised one last time, in a low whisper which only drove home the weight of the situation that they were walking into, as he turned and led them into the chamber. Once more they group found themselves in the massive hall that served as Arthur’s throne room. Moving past the massive and empty round table that no longer existed in legend alone, walking further and in uniform to where upon the thrones, King Arthur sat with his queen at his side. A small select group of knights and servants crowded to either side and behind the thrones stood the TARDIS, though it was poorly masked behind burgundy drapes for obvious reasons. The King was young, far younger than any of them had expected, but his youth aside he appeared with the command that was truly signature to his position, holding and reinforcing the majesty as he stood to greet them as they stopped and aligned in front of them. “These are the men whose early arrival has saved the lives of your men, sire” Merlin informed him, stepping to his place alongside Sir Gwaine and the others.

The king’s blue eyes quickly took in the six faces that presented before him, pausing for a moment before finally easing the tension in the room with his voice. “I’m grateful to each of you, but I’m afraid I have to ask for your forgiveness, for I don’t not recognize a single one of you,” he began honestly.

The Doctor opened up his mouth prepared to speak, to explain, when he was cut off, not only verbally but also in view as Sherlock stepped forward unexpectedly. “No forgiveness is necessary, I assure your highness. I’m afraid much time has passed since last any from the lands governed by the house of ÆÐELFRIÐ have passed through the gates of Camelot, just as I can assure you now that we have returned; it is as ambassadors of peace. When news of the tournament reached our lands, our Queen felt it marked an opportunity to rebuild relations between the lands, sending her three best knights to compete.”

Arthur raised an eyebrow to the reasoning, addressing Sherlock directly now as he spoke “And this opportunity inspired you to arrive early, unannounced and unexpected?”

Sherlock lowered his eyes in a show of humility and respect, most unexpected for him, but of course this wasn't really him anymore. “Our apologies to you then, sire. It was our understanding the competition was open to all nobles the news could reach.”

“It was, but that does not explain your timing,” Arthur replied.

“Our queen expects us to arrive with nothing short of impeccable timing, so I am afraid the fault of our early arrive rests entirely with the company. The day before we had planned to arrive in Camelot, one of our men fell ill. Unable to assist him properly we decided to push on in our travels, not stopping for camp that night. We arrived in Camelot very late and were greeted and welcomed by your guards who immediately recognized our need for assistance, and in helping us, our physician” he paused gesturing back towards the Doctor, instead of John “recognized your needs as well and was able to assist your men as best we could and too much success. One turn of kindness always warrants an immediate other.”

Arthur smiled with a nod “I couldn't agree more, and I am aware of how true a gift your arrival in this matter has been.”

Sherlock, returning to eye contact, offered a warm smile, one that would have only struck John as being unnatural. “Allow me, as steward of the group, to introduce my lords. I present to you the three very best knights Queen Hudson of ÆÐELFRIÐ could offer; Sir Dean, Sir Samuel and Sir Castiel. As for the rest of the group, our brilliant physician, Doctor; myself Sherlock; and finally Doctor’s assistant and servant, John. And I ask your forgiveness of awkward appearance. I’m afraid his clothing was ruined in the midst of activities here already and he lacked foresight to prepare for such an easily predictable occurrence.”

“I understand entirely, Merlin has been known to commit the same folly,” Arthur joked, his demeanor growing more at ease with each passing moment. “Your arrival is welcomed and clearly your timing destined. 
Camelot would be honored to have these knights in active competition. As for your stay, as a thank you, I would like to invite you to stay within the castle, and I offer my personal servant Merlin to your disposal. I look forward to renewing the bonds between our lands.” Arthur replied, offered and announced before regaining his more regal composure. “Now if you’ll excuse me there is still much to do to prepare for the tournament that begins tomorrow, I am needed elsewhere in my kingdom. Though I do look forward to speaking with each of you at a later time, please use this time to rest after what I’m sure was a very long journey.”

Sherlock lead with a shallow bow, one of which inspired the others to follow suit, before the small group of six weary and now welcomed travelers were lead once more into the hall. Once the door had been closed behind them, and the others were sure they were clear of ear shot, both the Doctor and John simultaneously moved forward with the same question “What was that??”

Sherlock smiled, this time one that was only natural and at home upon him “That gentlemen, was a plan – a very well executed one if I may say so myself,” he replied as he briskly continued on, ahead of the others, Merlin surprisingly at his side. The two men picked up the lead and the others followed suit before finally they found themselves again within the sanctuary of Gaius’ chamber. Once the door was closed the mouth opened and the questions began.

“So, personal feelings aside as to what just occurred there, because let’s face it with y-o-u there’s no point in even bothering,” John began, as the first one to step up, speaking to Sherlock, “but, still, why did you tell him the Doctor was the one who saved his men?”

“Because he needs  it more,” Sherlock replied gesturing over to the Doctor, who appeared just a shocked over the matter and slightly offended by the assertion that he needed anything, let alone credit for someone else’s work. After a moment passes with no one demeanor revealing any sign of comprehension, Sherlock rolls his eyes and continues “The Doctor stands out like a sore thumb. Now I’m not one to adorn disguises, but in this instance it was unavoidable and his best effort was to cover his image, which really isn’t enough to properly conceal, at least not when we are dealing with a king who is already likely on edge over the recent events. Add that to the fact that he’s not exactly the easiest man in the world to follow; did we really want him talking? Can you honestly tell me you could have said anything to him that would have eased his already, understandably paranoid mind?” He asked looking over to the Doctor.

“How did you know he would be paranoid?” Merlin asked.

“He’s a king, a young King at that – is there any other kind?” Sherlock replied, and all Merlin could do was nod in agreement.

“I’ll have you know this isn't the first King I've encountered and I have always managed before,” the Doctor replied folding his arms across his chest.

“Yes, well, I am sorry to say Doctor, your words is no longer good enough for me. At least not in this instance. I calculated the risks and determined it was in our best interest to intervene.” Sherlock replied with little modesty.

John admittedly at least had to nod in an agreement. The idea of Sherlock speaking in place of the Doctor at least placed him at ease, but still, “Sorry, I’m confused, weren't you explaining why you told him the Doctor healed his men? I mean how does any of this qualify as a need?” John asked keeping Sherlock on course. 

“When we walked in there Arthur stood to greet us, referring to us as a group as he did so. Now, if he knew amongst us which one of us was truly responsible for saving the lives of his men, wouldn't he have gone out of his way to greet said man above the others?” Sherlock asked almost rhetorically. “I mean we are talking about a man who allows his servants to refer to him by name – even if it’s not in the presence of his court. Both Gwaine and Merlin referred to him as both Arthur and King when we first encountered them upon our arrivals, which tells us the habit is well established if it comes into play in front of a group of strange and highly suspicious men. So I took the opportunity to establish the Doctor as the physician, so should he continue to insist on being the person we've witnessed him to be in front of the paranoid King, at least he’ll have the advantage of already being in the King’s graces, an advantage that could likely save not only his life, but the lives of the men who associate him. In other words, us,” he emphasized offering  an encompassing gesture towards the bulk of the group “which, after spending only a short time with the Doctor, I can safely say it’s an advantage he’ll likely need. You said so yourself John; and should anything go wrong, I’m still in the clear. He needs it more.”

“Right, okay – fine,” John began to reply with a heavy sigh “Whatever, credit is not really why we do any of this anyways,”

And even the Doctor had to nod as well “Fine, clever, and fair enough. I don’t see why you had to cut in. I would have handled it,”

“So you say, but each time any of the others tried to speak to you about a plan you kept dropping the matter. You say you would have handled it, but again, in this instance, your word is not enough for me,” Sherlock replied and reiterated.

“Yeah, Doc, I have to agree with Sherlock here. I’m all for winging things, but even I’m unsure of what you would have done given the circumstance,” Sam spoke up agreeing with Sherlock's reasoning.

“Yeah by the way, while we’re still on topic – I get why you stepped up, but how did you’ll pull that off? I mean El-frid?” Dean asked.

“ÆÐELFRIД Sherlock corrected, though phonetically, Dean’s pronunciation was spot on. “It’s a very old Anglo-Saxon surname that stands for nobility and peace. I felt it was appropriate. It’s probably not even a real place, but it’s the closest thing I could come up with on the spot,” Sherlock explained further.

“As far as I know, it’s not.” Merlin added and informed.

“ Aren't we worried that maybe the King might know that? I mean for all we know he could have armed guards lining up on the other side of that door right now.” Dean replied, voicing a well-placed point.

“He very well might. It’s unlikely though,” Sherlock answered.

“And why do you feel it’s unlikely?” John asked, knowingly and willingly asking what he was sure Sherlock would deem an obvious question.

“Arthur may be a paranoid King at the moment, but he is also a very busy King. He's juggling a tournament, an investigation, and he’s still fairly new to the position of King from what I gather. Only just now a year?” Sherlock asked looking over to Merlin. Who nodded, confirming the estimate. “The man has his hands full. So, we walk in, already in his graces for saving his men, we present well and offer reasonable explanations for all of his questions, like a parent checking under the bed and in the closet to ensure the frightened child that all the monsters are away, to reassure them that they are truly safe and sound from a danger that wasn't even real in the first place, allowing the child to slip off to sleep.”

“Walked in and handed him a false sense of security allowing him to return to the more pressing matters at hand.” Sam said aloud, summing up.

“Exactly,” Sherlock replied rather proud of himself.

“Yeah, but now we have another problem. That plan of yours just signed those three up for a tournament. Arthur knows their faces, he’ll be expecting to see these new champions in action,” the Doctor pointed out.

“Yes, about that, can any of you joust? Or wield a sword? Any good with archery?” Merlin asked looking over to Sam, Dean and Castiel.

“Jousting? No, but the rest of the stuff we might be able to hold our own,” Sam began to reply looking over to Castiel and Dean. “I mean we've really never done any of this for sport, but I think we know our way around a sword.”

“Arthur did say I was at your disposal. If Gaius can part with me as well, I can certainly help you with that,” Merlin suggested looking over to Gaius who was still attending to the knights which were all fast asleep.

“Of course he can. He can have John to help him, the real physician who’s been helping him all along – so problem solved,” Sherlock began to announce aloud “John will help Gaius. Dean, Sam and Castiel will keep up appearances in the tournament. Leaving you, Doctor, and myself to track down whoever took your box”

Fan Art By: Lyndsey Gerlach 04/2013 
"the 11th Doctor" & "Jekyll"

Friday, March 22, 2013

Chapter Four: Same Planet, Different Date

CHAPTER FOUR:  Same Planet, Different Date

As quickly as the spell had swept up the six travelers from a small living room in a small house in the heart of South Dakota, it dropped them down in a place five of the six would find entirely unfamiliar. The spell worked as intended, like a charm. The travelers arrived each in his own piece upon the floor of control deck of the TARDIS. The physical arrival, however, was less than one of grace; as each found himself lying on the actual floor. Dean was the first to his feet “Okay…” he said aloud as he looked around the dark room. The light was scarce, but he could see enough to know he was no longer where he was. “Sound off” he ordered, taking a hold of the situation as he attempted to gain his balance.

“Sam Winchester present and accounted for,” Sam replied as he pulled himself to his own feet, stretching his back out as he did so.

A few feet away from Dean and Sam, John slowly stood to his feet, pulling his flashlight from his pocket, checking for nearby faces and finding Sherlock already climbing to his feet. “John and Sherlock as well” John called out.

“That’s four of six,” Dean replied. “Cas? You make it through?” he called out, looking for his friend.

“Dean,” Sam called out. He had found Castiel on the floor nearby. The angel had made it through, but was unresponsive. “He’s out” he added as he attempted to examine Castiel’s state.

Dean quickly joined Sam at Castiel’s side. “Doc, think we can get a little light over here,” Dean asked as he called out to John, who quickly joined them.

Sherlock looked on “That is still only five,” he noted aloud as he began to search the area for the Doctor, only to discover him on the flat of his back and disoriented. “Doctor, are you alright?”

The Doctor shook his head. “No, not really, but that’s never really slowed me down before,” he replied as he rolled over, pushing himself up off the floor and stumbling to his feet. “That took a great deal more from me than I had anticipated,” he grumbled, still gathering his own thoughts and balance. “Now is everyone here, did everyone make it through alright?”

“Everyone’s here” John replied aloud as he finished examining Castiel’s pupils, before standing to his feet once more. “Castiel is unconscious, but from what I can tell he’s fine. Of course some light would go a long way in helping with my assessment of him.”

“Right, light – yes of course,” the Doctor replied as he began to search the console that stood in the center of the deck. Finally a lever is flipped and the room fills with soft blue and white lights. “Gentlemen I present Time and Relative Dimension in Space also known as a TARDIS,” the Doctor announced.

The light illuminated the control deck, revealing a room not unlike the images brought to life by the most classic of science fiction sagas. It was clean and futuristic with a heavy geometric décor. In the center stood a tall console that extended far up into the ceiling above. The main control panels of the console circled in a hexagon pattern, surrounding what appeared to be a dimly lit pillar and power source. Every man that could stand - stood in awe. Until, finally, Dean broke the silence. “So this is the spaceship?”

“Among other things, Yes” The Doctor replied, as he began to examine the control panels, like a doctor who busied about checking over a patient’s vital signs.

“Kind of retro” Dean commented aloud, still taking in the surroundings.

“I happen to like retro, retro is cool,” the Doctor replied. “How’s the patient Dr. Watson?”

“Hard to say, I mean he’s unconscious, but I can’t find anything physically wrong with him, no outward signs of head trauma or any trauma for that matter. His vitals are all as they should be,” John replied with a heavy sigh. “Does he have any kind of a history with black outs or fainting spells?” John asked, looking over to Sam and Dean.

“Well, I know in the past when he’s transported one of us in time, it’s taken a physical toll – maybe the spell drew off him, drained him of his energy,” Sam suggested trying to assist John with Castiel.

John stepped back for a moment, rubbing his eyes and taking a sharp and deep inhale. He was keeping his cool all things considered, but remaining cool and calm was no less a challenge.

Sherlock especially took notice of his friend’s growing anxiety “John, you’re handling all of this rather well, are you alright?” He asked showing mild concern.

“Yes, well no.” John began with a heavy sigh “I am for now; I will remain so until Castiel is back on his feet, after that I really can’t say – I mean here we are, standing in what we’re told is a spaceship, how are any of us handling this well?” John replied, asking almost rhetorically. “Right,hDoctor – do you happen to have a first aid kit on hand?” He asked regaining his composure and his role.

“No, but I do have a medical lab set up for just these sort of occasions,” the Doctor replied gesturing for the others to follow as he turned to lead them down one of the metal bridge paths that winded away from the main deck. Sam and Dean followed along first, each with half of Castiel hoisted upon their shoulders, followed then by Sherlock and John. The path featured many paneled doors along the way, but when the path reached a dead end at a large heavy stainless steel door, the group finally paused as the Doctor attempted to open the door, attempted and failed. “This is rather odd,” the Doctor commented and produced once more his sonic screwdriver. It buzzed and glowed as he swept it along the edges. “Very odd”

“Doc, what is it?” Sam asked curiously.

“It’s locked, and not just locked – time locked” the Doctor replied, his tone failing his confidence. He turned around, moving past the group, trying different doors as he passed. Not one would open, and after a quick inspection each proved to reveal the same results, locked again and again, and even locked to the Doctor. “This isn't possible. They can’t be locked, they all can’t be locked!” he exclaimed, his frustration growing and showing. “And certainly not from me, this is my TARDIS after all.”

“What are you saying? Are you saying we’re trapped?” Dean asked aloud “Is he saying we’re trapped inside a spaceship?”  His tone was a subtle blend of concern and early panic.

“Maybe – I don’t know, this has never happened to me before,” the Doctor replied nervously as he began to head back towards the main deck, the rest of the group following along. “ I've been stuck on the outside unable to get in before, but this – this is different.”

“Good different? Or Bad different?” Sam asked as he helped carry Castiel along.

“To be honest, I haven’t really decided yet,” the Doctor replied as he made his way towards a pair of double white doors, stopping for a moment to examine them with the sonic screwdriver. This time the resulting feedback brought good news. Still, before the Doctor rushed out what was likely the only set of unlocked doors at his disposal, he paused and turned to face the other men who eagerly awaited what he had to say. “Okay, these doors are unlocked, but before we continue through them I need each of you to understand that I do not know what awaits us on the other side of them. I know we are on stable ground, I know we are on earth – this is all I know.”

Dean shrugged “Sounds like plenty to go on to me. What’s the hold up?”

“This ship, my ship – my TARDIS is more than a Spaceship. It’s also a time machine,” the Doctor confessed.

Upon hearing this John face revealed a somewhat nervous smile as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket, flipping it open to reveal his registrations “Yep,  letters are in order and legible” he then proceeded to put it away and then quickly pinched the tender part of his forearm “Yes, hurts – clearly I am not dreaming… I wish I was dreaming, but no – okay so time machine?”

“You’re warning us, cautioning us, preparing us – preparing us for what exactly?” Sherlock asked, paying John’s momentary lapse of calm no mind.

“I don’t know what is on the other side of these doors,” the Doctor began. “We could step into New York 2055 or we might step into Rome 196 B.C. I simply have no way of knowing at this moment.”

“We would find your box in England, Doctor – is that not what you said to John and I back at the flat not even two days ago?” Sherlock asked.

“In case you haven’t noticed Sherlock, I have a tendency to say a lot of things,” the Doctor replied honestly.

“Okay, so we’re in a spaceship that is also a time machine. Why even bother going outside at all, why not just leave? We have what you set out for right? Why don’t we just take it and go?” Sam asked, his point and questions valid ones.

“Because one, I didn't simply misplace my ship. Someone took it. Something that is not easy to do. Last time I walked through the doors I made sure, as I always do, to lock them behind me and someone – I don’t know who, but someone from your present day London found it and took it, took my TARDIS. That person is somewhere, maybe inside somewhere, but more likely on the outside, wherever we are, whatever time this is and I cannot leave them here. Second, it appears every door is time locked, all but this one, and like I said before that is different. And good or bad it would be very unwise for us to leave before I figure out why. Third, a member of this group in unconscious and needs care. For all we know he may need care immediately and the fastest way to see he gets it is my moving forward… I think," the Doctor replied at length. “We can’t go further in and we simply cannot leave. This leaves only forward and out as our option. Our only option. I’m simply trying to warn you, to caution you, to prepare you for what may greet us on the other side of this option,” the Doctor added, echoing Sherlock’s own words from before.

“Sounds like we’re all about as a prepared as we’re ever gonna be,” Dean replied with a shrug “and we’re not gettin’ any younger. So, lead the way.”

The Doctor paused for a moment longer, his eyes falling over the group that stood waiting before him. The fearless duo, Sam and Dean Winchester, supportively shouldering their unconscious and ethereal companion, Castiel. Behind them stood the most brilliant team modern day London could lay claim to, the clever Sherlock Homes and the intrepid Dr. John Watson. The Doctor smiled nervously – the first time venturing outside of one’s time was never something he could prepare anyone for, but the excitement and anticipation that normally filled this moment quickly gave way to the sinking feeling that took hold of his gut, knowing that whatever took the TARDIS, whatever brought them here – might still be even too much for this group, this gathering of strangers, to take on. “Right this way,” he finally replied as he turned to open the door and proceed out. The sight to behold was not one that he had in any way anticipated, not that he had ever really bothered trying to anticipate anything walking out of the TARDIS anymore. Still, what did greet his view was a long wide hall, built of the finest stained and ornamentally carved woods. Large stained glass windows stretched the length of the left wall, allowing soft shimmering color tinted light to flow through and cascade upon the floor. The opposite wall to his right held the most brilliant hand carved paneling which echoed the magnificence of royalty the room clearly played witness and stage too. And finally, in the center of the room stood a very large and imposing round table with over two dozen identical chairs circling its edge. The Doctor’s eye grew wide as they fell upon this last sight “No!” he exclaimed in a happy tone of disbelief, spinning around quickly to face the group once more. “You four, and eventually five - are not going to believe this!” he further exclaimed excitedly as he turned back, exiting the TARDIS so the others could follow suit. “We’re in CAMELOT!” He announced in a ta-da sort of fashion. Still, before anyone could step out to see what he had seen, to follow where he had led, a figure stepped in the line of sight between the Doctor, the door and the group. The figure moved quickly, striking the Doctor to the floor, laying him out cold.

The figure, a man, was relatively tall, dressed in clothes suitable for the era that the group suddenly found themselves in “Yes – you –are,” he muttered to himself as he turned to face the rest of the group, flipping his long wavy brown hair back and out of his face as he did so, and with a smirk on his scruffy face and heavy sword readied in his hands he greeted the remaining group, “Carefully this way or you will surely join him.”

“Why would you just jump someone like that – I mean who does that?” Dean exclaimed, not much unlike the Doctor would likely have had he not now been laid out on the floor in front of him.

“We do – we have frequently,” Sam nervously reminded Dean. “So let’s just step out, nice and calmly,” Sam suggested as the two, with Castiel in tow, continued out.

“You two as well,” the man ordered, looking back at Sherlock and John, who as instructed followed along. Once everyone was out the TARDIS door seemed to close behind them on its own accord. The man tried his best to open it once more “Why won’t it open? We've tried for days now to open this door to no avail then you six walk out and now it’s shut once more. Why won’t it open?”

“That is a very good question and you know who would have likely known the answer?” John asked in his most sarcastic of tones, pointing down at the Doctor.

“I can help him” a voice spoke up from the other side of the strange man. Out stepped another man, this one about the same height as the first, but far thinner and smaller in build. His skin was pale, which created a cold contrast from his bright blue eyes and dark black hair. His clothing fit the period as well, but his brown jacket, blue tunic, dark brown pants and matching boots showed of far more wear than the other man’s attire, and around his neck he wore a bright red scarf – the color of Camelot. “Just one moment,” he added as he turned away and quickly returned with a pod of garlic in his hands. “This should do,” he commented further and he bent down to assist in recovering the Doctor, crushing the pod between his fingers to release the oils and aroma.

As the Doctor was being assisted by the new comer, the man who knocked the Doctor out in the first place stared curiously, still on guard, at the new comers. “How did all of you even fit into such a small space to begin with?”

“What do you mean small space?” John asked curiously as he, Sherlock, Dean and Sam turned to look back at the object from whence they came. Their eyes all falling on a sight each had had described at least once before to them.  A small blue box, small by comparison to the room they had emerged from, that stood slightly taller than Sam, and was only at best, as the Doctor had described i,t five by five feet squared – a size that would only hold the six men in the most uncomfortable of close quarters. The box was blue with white accents and frosted paneled windows and read Police Box over the threshold. 

“It’s a Police Box…” John observed aloud.

“That’s actually a spaceship,” Dean commented further.

 “That’s also a time machine,” Sam added.

“That’s larger on the inside,” Sherlock observed.

The Doctor sat coming too at this time, pushing himself off the ground for a second time since being reunited with the TARDIS. “Yes, which is exactly what I have been trying to tell you” he said aloud, coughing a bit as he did so  “Garlic?”

“It’s all I had on me, are you alright?” the smaller of the two men asked, the man who had helped bring the Doctor back to the land of the conscious.

“No, it’s clever and brilliant. What are your names?”  the Doctor asked, looking at the pair curiously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

“I’m Merlin and this is Sir Gwaine, of Camelot,” Merlin, the one who had helped the Doctor, the one who was not holding the sword, replied honestly.

The Doctor nodded, smiling. “And that explains why,” he remarked with a sigh. “Okay just a recap. We are standing in a room that has existing inside of it a giant round table and a guy named Merlin at the same time. Pay attention boys, because this is Christmas” he commented to Dean, Sam and the others, keeping his voice low.

“Pleasantries aside, who are you six and why won’t this door open?”  Gwaine asked, clearly uneasy.

“Won’t open?” The Doctor replied curiously, walking over to the door and sure enough it would not give, or budge, would not be pushed, or slid, or even pulled as the sign on the front has instructed over and over and over again. The Doctor examined it closer, with his sonic screwdriver - sighing heavy over what the results revealed. “Time locked….  Why it is time locked. What happened to you?” he asked mumbling to himself as he did so. Turning, he faced what was now a group of seven faces looking to him. “I don’t know – at this moment your guess is nearly as good a mine. And by the way, why are you Sir Gwaine - a knight with a sword - hanging around by my TARDIS?” he asked in a huff.

“It appeared here, on this very spot, a few nights ago. We found it the next morning along with a handful of guards who were attacked in the night,” Merlin replied, speaking up in place of Gwaine.

“Did they say who or what attacked them?” the Doctor asked, his frustration giving way to concern.

“Some of the men didn't survive. The few who have – have only done so for this long and may not see tomorrow. Unable to speak, all we can do is help them and wait,” Merlin replied honestly.

“And you think this box has something to do with the attacks?”  Sam asked.

“Enough to keep it under guard,” Gwaine replied “Who are you people- what are you yourselves even doing here?”

“We’re here to help – this, this box, it was taken from me and we have come seeking to retrieve it and undue any damage that may have resulted by its presence being here,” the Doctor began, doing his best to explain what he knew was impossible for them  to understand “I think whatever took this from me is likely to have attacked the guards and I want to make sure when we leave, whatever it is leaves with us. - Now, I need to speak to your King”

“I doubt I could possibly imagine a worse idea for a conversation,” Merlin began, shaking his head. “Actually I could, but you six just walked out a box that in the King’s mind caused loss of life among his ranks – dressed as you are dressed no less. No, I can’t see that being a very good idea at all.”

“You said you are here to help, yes? Help how?” Gwaine asked looking over the strange group. “Are you knights, or are you physicians, or are you bounty hunters? How are the six of you supposed to help us when you seem just as puzzled about what attacked us as we are.”

“I am actually a physician,” John began speaking up. “Now, I really need to help this man,” he explained, gesturing towards Cas who was still unconscious. “He is in, at the moment what, is my very limited care. But I’m sure I can help the men who were attacked as well. Trauma is sort of my background; I know I can help these men if you let me.”

“And we are hunters of sorts, but not for bounties. If we can help, we will.” Sam added, speaking forward alongside John.

“I don’t know Merlin, I’m not sure if we should trust them – and I certainly don’t think this is something we should keep from Arthur,” Gwaine replied, speaking his honest reservations to his friend.

“I agree, we shouldn't keep this from Arthur – but perhaps we can postpone the news. I say we get these men to Gaius’ quarters, see if they can help the men who were attacked. If they can, we present them to Arthur – if they can’t, we alert the King,” Merlin replied, seeing an opportunity that he felt was unwise to pass up. “Will you help me?” he asked of Gwaine.

“I don’t think it’s the best idea, but if they can help it would prove to be a good one,” Gwaine began to reply, and paused for a sigh. “As always, I’ll follow your lead.”

A soft and almost silent exhale of relief escaped the five conscious men as Gwaine lowered his sword and his guard.  “So Uther is King then?” the Doctor asked, following the words traded between Merlin and Gwaine.

“No, Uther passed away over a year ago. Arthur is King now. Still, if you can help his men, Arthur will greet you with all the welcome of friends – if you can’t,” Merlin began to explain.

“With all the fury of a King” the Doctor replied, understanding what Merlin was getting at. “Right, well before we proceed further, I am the Doctor. These are the brethren Winchesters; Hunters Samuel and Dean, the man unconscious upon their backs is their herald, and the physicians Watson and Holmes,” He added, introducing them at length to the best of his strengths.

“Welcome to Camelot. Now follow me,” Merlin replied as he turned to lead them through the doorway at the end of the long hall, leaving Gwaine to his duties. “Luckily most of the Knights are away on patrol, and the few who aren't are accompanying Arthur on the hunt. Leaving the remaining kingdom busy preparing for the upcoming tournament. Your timing is most opportune,” Merlin explained as he looked back at the group.

“My timing knows of no other way of being, I can assure you,” the Doctor replied with a smile as they began to exit the room and follow along the empty passage ways that twisted and wound around and throughout the inner working of the castle that stood as the heart of Camelot. Finally, the group was led through a simple standing wooden door and into a rather sizable room – not nearly to the scale in size or grandeur as the hall they had previously found themselves in, but impressive none the less. The space was  cluttered, with most of the tables, chairs, desks and altars pushed to either side of the room, allowing space for four small beds to be set out all in a row, each with its own unconscious guard laid out upon it, covered and cared for as best it appeared could be managed. A few small narrow windows allowed enough sunlight in to illuminate the room. Aside from the beds, and the patients held upon them, the room was clearly split several ways. Partly a library judging by the many books that littered the space, part infirmary and lab by the looks of the tools that shared the space, and even part living quarters as revealed by more personal items that could be spotted amongst the shelves in between the rest. Footsteps could be heard from across the room as an older man made his way down a small staircase that ran along one of the room’s curving walls. He was dressed in a floor length robe made of fairly basic burgundy material, accented by fine embroidery – a small sign that he was more than just a servant to the King. His shoulder length white hair, along with the lines of his face revealed his age, but his blue eyes captured well the reflection of wisdom they held. The man paused mid-descent, looking down upon the new comers who stood behind Merlin, in the middle of the room. Merlin returning his look, swallowed hard before speaking. “I can explain.”

“I sincerely hope so,” the man replied, as he continued down the stair.s “You can start with who they are and continue with why they are dressed in such an odd manner,” he instructed further.

“I can’t actually explain that – I’m not sure where they are from, but I know it’s nowhere near here – but two are physicians and they say they can help,” Merlin replied, attending to the question out of order.

The man took a moment, looking and examining each of the faces before him. “None of you appear old enough to claim such a title, but if you can help – it would be most welcomed. Something attacked these men, but for the life of me I don’t know what, and as a result, am at loss for how to aid them beyond what care I have already given them.”

“Well, let’s have a proper look, shall we?” John spoke up, stepping ahead and aside from the group and over to the bed side of the man closest to him. Sherlock also followed along, taking to the opposite side of the bed. “Do you mind?” John asked looking up and over to the man.

“No, see what you can” the man replied, joining them at the bedside.                   
“While Gaius is assisting them, let’s get your herald onto a bed as well,” Merlin suggested to the remaining group, while also offering an informal introduction of the master of the chamber. He and the other pulled aside, leading back in a small adjacent room where they could lay Castiel down until John and Sherlock could return to join them.

Around the first bedside, John and Sherlock waited patiently and watched as Gaius folded back the blanket and started to undress the first sets of wounds. When the layers of cloths were pulled away, the sight revealed to them was one of multiple scratches, deep lacerations each. Though cauterization had been applied to some of the wounds, many were still open. Across the chest, the arms, the shoulder, neck, faces and just about any other surfaces of the body the two men could see. Aside from the wounds, bruises and swelling along the joints were very clear; the man at first glance appeared as though he had crashed through plate glass and into a several story fall. Although surprised, neither Sherlock nor John was taken back at the sight, and each was clearly interested, if not slightly more enthused, their curiosities clearly peaked. “Well, where to begin – I mean several contusions are visible – which given the days since the attack is understandable, swelling and” John began, placing his fingers upon some of the cleaned and undamaged skin as he felt for temperatures “really wished I had some gloves with me, but definite rise in body temperature – but low grade I would imagine, given the fact he’s still here. I’m sure we can expect to find fractures upon further analysis,” he added as he leaned in getting not only a closer look at the lacerations but also a sniff “Bacterial infection – which could lead to endocarditis given the depths of wounds, assuming it already hasn't.  I’d have to get a listen of his heart to have a better say on the matter though. Why only cauterize some of the wounds?”

“In an effort to minimize damaging too much of his flesh. I used the method in places I could not stop the bleeding – the most necessary locations, but anything I was able to stop through pressure or attending I did so,” Gaius answered to the best of his abilities. 

“John, do these lacerations appear odd to you?” Sherlock asked, hovering over the body as well.

“Pretty clear scratches.” John replied. His observation, though shallow, was not wrong.

“Yes, but look at each set. Always five, with the fifth first or fifth always angled towards the median of the body. The initial pierces of each scratch are almost rounded. These are scratches, yes, but not ones left by talons or claws – these were made by a human, John,” Sherlock revealed in his observation. “The patterns of some of the contusions along the neck are very characteristic of someone being choked – an act of violence fairly exclusive to our species as well, wouldn't you agree?”

“Well, of course concerning the marks along the neck, Sherlock, but these scratches, I’d say the deepest ones are well into at least a half an inch in some spots. I don’t know many humans that could have done that,” John replied honestly, agreeing with Sherlock, but also doubting such a person existed that would leave such wounds. “Are the others this bad off?” John asked looking up to Gaius.

“Of these four he is by far the worst – but the other three fair little better. Do you think you can help them? Do you know what did this to them?” Gaius answered and inquired.

“Not without a small arsenal of supplies – most of which we’ll have to reinvent on our own I suspect,” John replied, mumbling the last half under his breath as he did so.

“I know whatever did this was a human, same as you or I – but as far as who did this, in time I will have an answer for you as well. For now, suffice to say whoever did this is very dangerous, and likely quite mad as well,” Sherlock replied as he stood up.

“Well I do think I can help, but I will need a few things,” John added as he began to assist Gaius in replacing the wrappings on to the wounds, and covering up the wounded knight once more.

“Anything we can do to assist you, and whatever we don’t have – Merlin is quite good a procuring.” Gaius replied, offering up Merlin’s services to yet another.

“Alright, well, I would really like to take a closer look at Castiel – but afterwards I will form a list and get to work on these four,” John replied, excusing himself in order to see an entirely different sort of patient. Both he and Sherlock made their way to a small room that was already overly crowded, but upon arrival, all but Merlin and Dean remained outside, giving John plenty of room to work.

John, once again, began to examine Castiel, doing his best to check over his throat and paying close attention to his breathing pattern. “His respiratory system seems fairly stable,” he commented almost to himself, resting his head down upon Castiel’s chest to get a clearer insight to his respiratory functions and cardiac rhythm. “heart and chest sound  stable as well – would kill for a blood pressure cuff,” he further grumbled as he began to take an assessment of his pulse. “ We've pretty much established that he isn't responding much to verbal commands of any sort. Let’s try a different sort of stimulus,” he suggested looking over to Dean “You wouldn't still happen to have that knife on you, would you?” he asked.

Dean simply nodded, pulling the knife from its sheath which had been concealed by his jacket, handing it over to John, who had taken that time to remove Castiel’s shoe and sock. He then ever so lightly began prick as best he could the tenderest stretch of the patient’s foot. This produced a minor response in Castiel’s brow line and eyes lids. “Very good – do you have any smelling salts?” he asked looking back to Merlin, before moving to examine Castiel’s eyes once more.

“Smelling salts?” Merlin replied curiously.

Sherlock, who stood back just on the other side of the door way, overheard the request and spoke up “spirit of hartshorn or sal volatile  perhaps – essentially an ammonia derived from distilling deer antlers or horns. It would have a very strong odor.”

Merlin smiled “Hammonicus sal, yes,” he responded and he went to fetch the elixir, returning quickly, and handing a small vial over to John.

“His pupils are more responsive than before. Let's hope this does the trick,” he said, almost wishing aloud as he passed the open vial beneath Castiel’s nose.

Almost instantaneously Castiel began to turn his head away from the aroma and shift back into consciousness, his eyelids lifting and his heaving as he coughed in response to the treatment. “Welcome back,” John said aloud as he recapped the bottle, handing it back to Merlin once more.

“How you feeling Cas?” Dean asked curiously, as he helped his friend sit up upon the bed.

“Well I have never been struck by a large vehicle before, but I can imagine I feel as though I’m not too far off from such an experience,” Castiel replied regaining his composure, clearly still weakened from the event that knocked him out in the first place.

“Okay, well get some rest and rehydrate, I have to get back to the other four. I’m sure Dean and the Doctor can bring you up to speed,” John added as he stood up, exiting the room to rejoin Sherlock’s side. “I guess the first thing we should do is work out whatever passes for antibiotics in this time.”

Sherlock momentarily revealed a curious smirk “You’re handling this rather well; I’d almost say you were even enjoying yourself, if I didn't suspect the appropriate thing would be not to.”

“Well, I’m not too keen on this whole time traveling Camelot business, but I’d be lying if I were to say I wasn't at least comfortable with the idea of stumbling into my element, even here or now, or whatever.” John replied glancing around at the others who were busy acquainting themselves. “Let’s get to work then, shall we?”